Wednesday, July 11, 2007

爸爸,妈妈... 我爱你们!

因已经好几个星期没回家了,很想念家人,所以上个星期五一上完课就搭了四个小时的巴士回家.回到家, 妈妈告诉我老爸一号到今天只做了一天的工. 妈说老爸最近没工开,很明显的.家里的生计警钟就要响起了...

怎麽办呢??? 我能做些什麽呢???





当前天妈给我零用钱时,当我从她手中接过那些零用钱时,我发现妈的手掌粗了好多,手指甲开始烂了... 我好心酸...


爸爸,妈妈... 我爱你们!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Studying for 2 years now is a temporary period. For these 2 years, it's difficult to work and no money, only can study. If you see further in the future, when you got a diploma/degree, you can get better jobs, much higher pay, better promotion because of better education. Then you will be in a better position to help the family right?

So study smart and get a good grade to graduate, then can get a good job. Better job and better pay. And as always, I support you in your studies and to go back to school.